Heading for a Hip Replacement?

Hip Replacement Surgeries

The number of hip replacements performed in the United States each year has doubled since 2000, according to reports from the U.S. Center for National Health Statistics. While the number of hip replacements is increasing, the age of hip replacement patients is actually decreasing. More people in their 40s and 50s are having their hips replaced because osteoarthritis is on the rise. Dr. Johnson can help those with osteoarthritis of the hip by treating them with adipose fat stem cell therapy.

How Does Osteoarthritis Affect the Hip?

The hip is one of the most used joints in the body. Like all joints, the surfaces of the bones that comprise the joint are covered with cartilage. This cartilage, along with synovial fluid, provides a cushion for the bones during movement. Over time, walking, running and other activities wear down this cartilage cushion and the bones of the joint grate against each other. That’s when the joint becomes inflamed and your hip starts to hurt.

Osteoarthritis usually starts out as pain that comes on during or after movement, but as the cartilage continues to wear away, the pain starts to show even when you’re at rest. People with osteoarthritis frequently start limping or relying on canes, and may even lose their mobility, because their hip pain makes walking too painful.

How is Osteoarthritis of the Hip Handled?

Conventional treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip includes a regimen of rest, over-the-counter pain relievers, and exercise. However, these treatments only provide temporary relief because osteoarthritis and the pain associated with it get worse over time.

As hip pain worsens, treatments for the condition become more invasive. People with osteoarthritis face procedures like hip joint resurfacing and total hip joint replacement. These surgeries require often painful recovery periods that could last a few weeks to several months. Hip replacement patients also need physical therapy as part of their recovery to learn how to walk, bend and step with their new joint.

Replacement hip joints last on average 10 to 20 years, which means that if you get a replacement in your 40s or 50s, you could end up needing another replacement in your lifetime.

How Stem Cells Can Help Hips

Stem cells can help treat people with osteoarthritis of the hip by reducing inflammation and may even regenerate cartilage to cushion the joint. As a result, pain is decreased and mobility is improved. Hip osteoarthritis patients who have been treated at the Innovations Stem Cell Center have reported improvements in their hip pain and osteoarthritis that have allowed them to avoid having hip replacement surgery. To read more on stem cells see our blogs What are Stem Cells? and Understanding Adipose-Derived Stem Cells

Do your hips hurt because of osteoarthritis? Find out how stem cell therapy can help you. Stem cell procedures are performed at both our Dallas and Fort Worth medical locations. Schedule a consultation today by calling 214-643-8665.

Schedule a Consultation for Stem Cell Therapy with Innovations Medical Today!

Stem cell therapy uses the body’s own regenerative properties to fight aging, treat disease, and even improve your appearance. We’ve been helping our patients look and feel their best since 2005, and even our most advanced procedures are often minimally invasive.

Programe una consulta para la terapia con células madre con Innovations Medical hoy!

La terapia con células madre utiliza las propiedades regenerativas del propio cuerpo para combatir el envejecimiento, tratar enfermedades e incluso mejorar la apariencia. Hemos estado ayudando a nuestros pacientes a verse y sentirse mejor desde 2005, e incluso nuestros procedimientos más avanzados suelen ser mínimamente invasivos.