Stem Cell Therapy for Anti-Aging

Mankind has searched for the “fountain of youth” for centuries. Recently, there has been a great deal of interest in the use of stem cells to combat the effects of aging. Can stem cells be “the fountain of youth” or a part of it? Stem cells have been shown to provide significant benefits in numerous areas including arthritis, neuropathy, and helping heal acute injuries. This article will discuss the principles and current state of the effort to combat the effects of aging. It will also introduce the use of stem cells in combating the effects of aging, or anti-aging.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What causes aging?

A: Although significant research has gone into the causes of aging, we still have much to learn. Much of aging appears to be how our cells are programmed. As we age, we produce fewer and fewer new cells to replace and replenish old cells. The things like collagen and elastin (Collagen is Critical for Great Looking Skin) that support our cells are also produced in smaller amounts. We also have fewer stem cells as we age. Stem cells are responsible for most of the healing and cell renewal in our bodies. Possessing fewer numbers of stem cells is thought to be a significant contributor to aging. The stem cells in our fat are “glued” in place by collagen. Therefore, they tend to decrease in number less as we age. Unfortunately, since they are glued in the fat, they are not available to heal in other areas. That is part of the reason why taking stem cells from fat for anti-aging and other purposes is so promising. Some other known contributors to aging are:

  • Diet, some foods that can protect us and others can do harm
  • Environmental factors such as sunlight and injuries accumulate over time
  • Genetics, some families and individuals live longer due to their genetic makeup
  • Disease. As we live longer we have more opportunities to develop disease and diseases can cause aging

We can change our diets and avoid some of the environmental factors. However, we can’t change our genes or avoid all diseases. There are certainly other factors that contribute to aging that we do not yet understand. As we gain a better understanding of aging, we are better able to combat its effects.

Q: What can individuals do to combat aging?

A: Thousands of books and articles have been written about combating aging and healthy lifestyles. So many different ideas and approaches are available that it can be difficult to know what is best. However, a few things stand out as being widely accepted as beneficial. Diet is probably the most important aspect that we control ourselves. The American Heart Association recommends a diet that emphasizes:

  1. A variety of fruits and vegetables
  2. Whole grains
  3. Low-fat dairy products
  4. Skinless poultry and fish
  5. Nuts and legumes
  6. Non-tropical vegetable oils

The American Heart Association also recommends limiting certain foods such as:

  1. Red meat
  2. Sodium (salt)
  3. Saturated and trans fat
  4. Sweets and sugar-sweetened beverages

There are many lifestyle habits beyond diet that help support anti-aging. The most widely supported recommendations are:

  1. Regular exercise
  2. Routine use of sunblock on exposed skin, SPF 30 or higher
  3. Adequate sleep
  4. Avoid smoking and second-hand smoke
  5. Practice stress management

Having a healthy lifestyle is now well established as an effective anti-aging strategy. It is the foundation upon which other anti-aging techniques build.

Q: How does modern medicine address aging?

A: Much of modern medicine is really about combating the effects of aging. High blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and many other common medical problems are all associated with aging. Most cancers are more common as we age as well. So much of what we treat with modern medicine is really dealing with the effects of aging. Physicians realize that most of our efforts are about managing the disease, not curing it. We can control blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol, but we really can’t “cure” them. The same will probably always be true of aging. We will be able to manage its effects, but never “cure” aging. However, as we learn more we will be able to address more the causes of these problems rather than just managing the effects. In the past 50 years, modern medicine has added more than a decade to our average life span. There is certainly even more to come.

Q: What can stem cells do for the effects of disease?

A: Increasingly stem cells are being used to treat disease and injuries. Although controversy exists over the best sources of stem cells and how to use them, there are little doubt stem cells can help with many disorders. We believe that using stem cells from an individual’s own fat is the best approach in the majority of cases. Read our blog for understanding stem cells What are Stem Cells? Stem cells are being utilized for many disorders including:

  1. Osteoarthritis
  2. Acute and chronic sports injuries
  3. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  4. Auto-immune disorders like Rheumatoid Arthritis and Systemic Lupus Erythematous and others
  5. Peripheral neuropathy
  6. Vascular disorders
  7. Gastrointestinal disorders like Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative colitis
  8. Neurologic disorders like Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, Stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, and others
  9. Urologic diseases like Peyronie’s disease and erectile dysfunction
  10. Heart disease like congestive heart failure
  11. Eye diseases like macular degeneration
  12. Respiratory problems like asthma

More can be learned about each of these disorders by clicking on the links on this website.

Q: What can stem cells do in cosmetic anti-aging?

A: Stem cells are being used with increasing frequency in cosmetic medicine. Stem cells can be injected directly into the skin on the face and other areas Vampire Facial (PRP Facial). This has been shown to reduce wrinkles, skin discoloration and promote skin rejuvenation. It can also reduce the appearance of scars, stretch marks and promote skin tightening Frequently Asked Questions About Skin Tightening. Studies show adding stem cells to other cosmetic surgeries like LiposuctionFat Transfer Natural Breast Augmentation, and Awake Tummy Tuck, speed up healing and give a better cosmetic result. Adding stem cells to resurfacing lasers has been shown to enhance the final results as well (Fraxel Re:store and Dual Treatment), This is likely true when added to radiofrequency skin tightening as well. Much more can be learned about this rapidly growing field in our cosmetic stem cell section on this site.

Q: How can stem cells impact general aging (just growing old)?

A: Using stem cells for anti-aging has been a dream for many years. Unfortunately, we are at least 10-20 years from having studies that confirm an anti-aging effect from stem cells. Therefore, anything said now is based on theory. We have increasing evidence that stem cells can help with disease and make us look better, but what can we theorize about stem cells for helping us not grow old? Are stem cells a fountain of youth? Our body’s ability to repair and renew diminishes as we age. Stem cells are responsible for most of this repair and renewal process. As we age, so do our stem cells. They become less and less able to do their repair and renewal job. We also have fewer of them as we age. The stem cells found in our fat are held in place by a protein called collagen. Since they are held in place, they tend to decrease less in number as we age. Unfortunately, being fixed in the fat makes them unavailable to heal in other areas. This tendency of stem cells in fat to decrease less as we age is one the of reasons why taking stem cells from fat has worked well for many disorders. Stem cells from fat are also very promising for anti-aging. When we harvest stem cells from fat, we are taking stem cells that would otherwise remain dormant, and enabling them to potentially increase and improve the repair/renewal process. This may have the effect of restoring the repair/renewal abilities of our bodies to a level like when we were younger. We can even do better than that with our new ability to freeze and store stem cells. For example, a 40-year-old individual can freeze and store stem cells right now. In 20 years at age 60, if he or she wishes they can then thaw and use the stem cells. Now they have literally restored their repair/renew process to 20 years younger by using stem cells that are 40 and not 60 years old. This is a very exciting idea and will be talked about and studied extensively in the years to come. See our blogs on what is stem cell on adult stem cells Understanding Adipose-Derived Stem Cells


Cost of Stem Cell Treatments

The cost of the initial treatment ranges from $5,000 to $10,000. The range in cost is dependent on the complexity of delivering the cells back to you. For example, spine conditions require multiple physicians to deliver the cells back to your body and this requires an increase in cost as multiple doctors are involved in the procedure. For many people the initial treatment is all that is needed; however, for some conditions, subsequent treatments may be required and these are done at a reduced fee. Stem Cell treatments are performed at both our Dallas and Fort Worth locations.


For many years, most anyone could do to help themselves live longer and healthier was eat right and exercise. Modern medicine added treatments for disease/disorders that have further added to longevity and good health. Now stem cells have the potential to significantly add to both the duration and quality of our lives. This science is in its infancy, but in the years to come may represent essentially a “fountain of youth” for generations to come. A truly exciting subject with much more left to learn.

The American Heart Association’s Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations