Heading for a Hip Replacement?

Hip Replacement Surgeries The number of hip replacements performed in the United States each year has doubled since 2000, according to reports from the U.S. Center for National Health Statistics. While the number of hip replacements is increasing, the age of hip replacement patients is actually decreasing. More people in their 40s and 50s are […]

Investigating Inflammatory Bowel Disease: How Stem Cells Can Help Reduce Symptoms

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) isn’t exactly a topic that many people talk about. In fact, anything related to the bowels is pretty taboo in most conversations. Even though IBD doesn’t usually come up in everyday conversation, 1.6 million Americans experience the painful symptoms of IBD every day. Dr. Johnson treats patients with ulcerative colitis and […]

Reduce the Urge to Go: Stem Cells Can Help Interstitial Cystitis Sufferers

Interstitial cystitis is a chronic urinary condition that can leave sufferers very uncomfortable, in pain, and extremely frustrated. Most of all, it can leave you making many trips to the restroom. Some sufferers report the need to urinate up to 60 times a day! If you think you have interstitial cystitis or you have been […]

Anatomy of Autoimmune Disease

According to the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association, Inc., autoimmune diseases affect as many as 50 million people in the United States. These diseases often leave patients with chronic pain, or with other life-altering symptoms and disabilities that reduce their quality of life. Many of the patients we treat at Innovations Stem Cell Center have […]

Seeing New Hope for Macular Degeneration

Over 200,000 cases of age-related macular degeneration, or AMD, are diagnosed in the United States each year. AMD is the leading cause of vision loss in people over the age of 50. The loss of vision is very scary and extremely overwhelming for many patients. Dr. Johnson offers patients with age-related macular degeneration and other […]

Synthetic Stem Cells – Risk or Reward?

Late last year, a synthetic cardiac stem cell was created at the University of North Carolina and the North Carolina State University with the hope that the synthetic cell could offer the same or similar benefits to patients as therapies that use natural stem cells. While researchers behind the project have high hopes for treating […]

Researchers Create a Cell Bandage to Treat Meniscus Tears

Tears of the meniscus frequently sideline professional athletes, but the injury impacts over 1 million people on average per year, frequently forcing people to give up their favorite activities. Treatment for the painful condition often includes rest, physical therapy, and for many, surgery to bring relief. However, stem cell researchers have tested a new method […]

How are Stem Cells Related to Football?

Earlier this year, the National Football Leagues and the NFL’s players association settled a five hundred million dollar lawsuit and began a concussion initiative to bring awareness to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of concussion in its players. This initiative, according to Chairman Roger Goodell, was implemented to increase safety and protect players. The NFL […]

Researchers Supe Up Spinal Stem Cell Regeneration

Researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center have successfully increased the ability of nerve cells to regenerate in the spinal cords of in adult mice. Despite their small size, these mice are evidence of a major advancement in the treatment of adult humans with spinal cord injuries. Injury to the spinal cord can […]

Part 2: Stem Cell Collection

In our last blog, Small Cell, Big Controversy, we explained the basics behind the controversy surrounding stem cell therapies. While the controversy is usually over the use of embryonic cells, many people project their concerns and question about the ethical and moral use of stem cells onto all stem cell therapies – even those therapies […]