The online journal Scientific Reports recently detailed a study from Johns Hopkins Medicine showing support for previous research that a cellular protein signal facilitates the formation of both bone and fat in particular stem cells. The study also shows that this protein signal can be influenced to build bone. The researchers believe that manipulating the
An investigation by University of Michigan researchers reveals new insight into why shoulder injuries take a long time to heal. Specifically, the researchers focused on why rotator cuff injuries tend to accumulate fatty tissue instead of new muscle. Tears of the rotator cuff, the group of four muscles and tendons that help to stabilize the
Scleroderma, also known as systemic sclerosis, is a chronic connective tissue disease that causes the hardening of the blood vessels, skin, and other connective tissues over time. When skin and connective tissues harden, it can make moving – and especially exercising – painful, uncomfortable, or downright impossible. So, how can people with scleroderma manage to
Innovations Medical 01/23/2024
Innovations Medical 11/16/2023
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